On the evening of Tuesday June 7, RCSCC Dundas conducted it's 78th Annual Ceremonial Review at Dundas Driving Park. The weather cleared up and the sun came out in time for our presentation to invited guests, friends and family.
As mentioned on our Instagram Page (rcsccdundas), RCSCC Dundas will be highlighting different aspects of the evening over the next couple of weeks. Be sure for follow us there for more details! We wanted to extend a huge thank you to LCdr Marie-Sonya Sowa, current CO of HMCS Star Reserve Unit, for being our Reviewing Officer this year. We also want to thank our special guests, Rear Admiral (Retired) Jennifer Bennett and Don D’Souza, the President and one of the Vice Presidents respectively of the Navy League of Canada—Ontario Division, WO Wayne Milloy from our Area Office, as well as the City of Hamilton, Dundas Navy League Branch, the Royal Canadian Legion—Dundas Branch 36, Dundas Rotary, Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club, and the friends and family that have supported our cadets through their cadet journey - everyone who was in attendance! This outdoor, post covid ACR was brilliant. Not only did it assist us in respecting social distancing, guests were invited to bring their own lawn chairs and set up where they felt comfortable. There were well behaved dogs on site and younger siblings had the ability to use the park and move around more freely. Park goers were welcome to watch and inquired about the program - it was a very special event for so many reasons. Bravo Zulu to everyone who helped make it happen. As CO, I'd like to thank you all for your interest in RCSCC Dundas and I hope you enjoy the upcoming posts about our ACR written mostly by our Cadet Correspondent, CPOC2 Yang. Thank you to the Chief for all her work online this year getting the word out about RCSCC Dundas, it's cadets and all the amazing things we do! Bravo Zulu! Best, Lt(N) Karen Ellis Commanding Officer, RCSCC Dundas Photo Credits: Mrs Guffroy
Cadets from the three local sea cadet corps had the opportunity to tour HMCS ORIOLE while at Port in Hamilton as part or her Great Lake Deployment.
#RCSCCDundas had an amazing tour by Nicholas (one of the ship's sailors). We were onboard for an hour and a half talking rigging and knots and flags and history of the ship and its importance to the Royal Canadian Navy.... so many questions - all answered with pride and a contagious enthusiasm. The cadets were even treated to a tour below decks (not something often offered) much to their delight! Thank you to the crew of @hmcs.ncsm.oriole for this exciting experience for our cadets! HMCS ORIOLE is on a Great Lakes deployment along with HMCS GLACE BAY (who will be in Hamilton at the end of the month!). If you have a chance, be sure to see if they are coming to a port near you. Fair winds... and Thank You, HMCS ORIOLE! We were thrilled that the weather cooperated and the cadets of RCSCC Dundas had the opportunity to climb the trees and have an amazing day working together to gain new skills, test their limits and enjoy some physical activity!
We began the day in the trees! The Treetop Trekking staff guided the cadets in a safety briefing and prepared them for a 5 course adventure. The cadets had a great time navigating the course and challenging each other to get over the many obstacles that lay in their path. They showed great cooperation and teamwork! Nothing like pushing your boundaries in a safe environment to see just what you can accomplish! In the afternoon we did some fitness related team challenges complete with relays and a trophy for the winners! And... between fitness challenges (and to cool down from the heat), we had some seamanship classes: Knot work, Splicing and Rigs and Tackles... thanks for the amazing lessons, NCdt Harris! In the end, a spectacular day together at the conservation area! Bravo Zulu, cadets! On 10 May 2022, RCSCC Dundas had the honour of promoting two of our Petty Officer Cadet 1st Class Cadets to Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class and acknowledging another one of our senior cadets with the Navy League Medal of Excellence.
The Navy League Medal of Excellence is presented annually to the most proficient sea cadets within each Navy League division. The recipients must consistently set an outstanding personal example of dress and deportment, demonstrate high proficiency in cadet training and be active in community service activities. Out of the 60+ Sea Cadet Corps in Ontario, only 13 medals were presented this year. We are thrilled that CPOC2 Jani was one of those deserving cadets honoured. Our Navy League Branch President, Mrs Harris, was on hand to present this medal and a commemorative certificate to CPOC2 Jani. We'd like to thank her, our branch and the Navy League of Ontario for all of their support of our program and their work in recognizing cadet excellence in the community. The pandemic has put a damper on many of our cadet traditions but we, at RCSCC Dundas, are making the most of it. It's become a tradition to have the siblings of cadets earning promotion to assist in the ceremony by switching out the old ranks of their family member with their newly earned ranks. We had the honour of making this happen for two of our cadets this week: CPOC2 Neiterman and CPOC2 Yang were promoted to their new rank after successfully completing their Merit Review Boards at the end of last month. At the end of last month, CPOC1 Frizzell was surprised with the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence. Nominated by her Commanding Officer, our local RCL Branch presents this award to a cadet who shows a high degree of participation and leadership in the area of citizenship and in meeting and enhancing the aims and objectives of the Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Organization. The presentation and wearing of this medal is authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff and is based solely on there being a suitably worthy Cadet candidate within the Corps. It is not to be considered a mandatory yearly selection. This year we were thrilled to have CPOC1 Frizzell recognized! We congratulate all our cadets for representing RCSCC Dundas so well and for their continued leadership at our corps. Bravo Zulu all! “ I do solemnly promise on my honour to serve my corps loyally and to use every endeavour to become a good citizen, honouring my Queen, my country and my flag.” Since our return to in-person training a few weeks ago, we've had new cadets join us every week. They love to learn, explore, and are curious about what challenges and adventures await them in the Sea Cadet program.
During their first few weeks in the program, the new recruits are welcomed by every cadet and officer at the corps. They start off by getting a glimpse of Tuesday night activities and have opportunities to ask questions. They even get an exclusive tour of the ship from our new recruits PO, POC1 Neiterman. This week at the ship, we took some time to welcome and appreciate eight of our new cadets. They took an oath on the ship to “serve my corps loyally” and “become a good citizen.” So far, our new recruits have enjoyed their new experiences in their short time with us. They have taken part in a fitness assessment, helped us with our community cleanup initiative, and have received their very own Sea Cadet uniform. As the night came to a close, the new recruits received certificate signifying their membership and oath to RCSCC 96 Dundas. We are very appreciative of our new recruits and hope that many more will join in the near future. POC1 B. Neiterman New Entry PO, RCSCC DUNDAS
The Cadets Participated in a fun games night this weekend.
They took part in a Boat-Building Battle in Minecraft where they were challenged to recreate the Arctic Offshore Patrol Vessel (AOPV) HMCS Harry DeWolf. This was developed by CPOC2 Jani and POC1 SD, E for their PO503 Leadership Activity to demonstrate and practice their ability to plan and host events. The teams had less than an hour to create their boats. They took their own routes to complete their boat and overcame time and space constraints in creative ways. While one team turned a misjudgment in positioning into a display of the inside of the boat, the other team decided they needed to fill their canvas with another vessel. Both teams performed wonderfully and showed excellent teamwork! CPOC2 Jani Regulating Petty Officer This week, cadets from RCSCC Dundas played a BIG game of Cadet Battleship!
Our Staff Cadets, as part of their PO503 leadership tasking, ran with one of Lt(N) Ellis' activity ideas and created a cadet version of the classic board game: Battleship! The cadets built the gameboard, developed the rules and game procedures and tonight executed the activity with the ship's company. Following a Marine Radio Communication class with NCdt Harris, the Staff Cadets were able to get the ship's company to utilize their new skill to call the 'shots' in the game. BUT, before they were able to 'fire', they had to correctly answer a general cadet knowledge question. This was not only a great leadership exercise for the staff cadets, it was also a wonderful way to conduct a 'lesson confirmation' the entire ship's company could benefit from. Bravo Zulu to the team who lead this activity: CPOC2 Zhang, POC1 Neiterman and POC1 Yu. A special shout out to CI Pettiti (from RCSCC Lion) who was gracious enough to create those 3D Battleships for us. We have another group of Staff Cadets running next week's training night as part of their leadership tasking. It will require gym clothes.... Stay Tuned! RCSCC Dundas was happy to be back at the Range!
Approval to shoot was given just before March Break so Lt(N) Ellis wasted no time to schedule a couple of open practices on a first come, first serve basis. The results from those shoots, in combination of the marksmanship scores our cadets produced last fall were reviewed and a team of 5 cadets and one alternate was selected to represent DUNDAS for the Zone Postal Shoot next month. These 6 cadets will be learning, in addition to safe handling practices, how to use approved equipment and fine tune their prone and standing shooting. Most of our ship's company have never shot a rifle and even more haven't tried shooting in the standing position. We have lots to learn as a group before we officially submit our competition results! We know they're up for the challenge! Never fear, Dundas Cadets.... there will be more opportunities for the ship's company to shoot again soon. We'll see you on the range! #cadetactivities #marksmanship On Tuesday March 8, RCSCC Dundas returned to in-person training with GREAT excitement. It was great to be back at out ship and on parade again!
We welcomed 4 new cadets and took the opportunity to present Chief Frizzell, who was promoted to CPOC1 virtually last month, with her new ranks and the Gunner's Chain symbolizing her appointment to Coxswain of our corps. With Covid 19 Protocols still in effect, and knowing that CPOC1 Frizzell's brother was one of our newly welcomed cadets, we offered him the honour of "promoting" his sister at the beginning of the night. OC Frizzell changed out her slip ons and then he presented her with the Gunner Chain by placing it over her head. It was a promotion we won't soon forget. At the end of the evening, we also had the honour of promoting the following cadets:
POC1 Hong was on deck and came forward to receive his 4 year Service Medal. It's always a pleasure to thank our cadets by recognizing their years of service with a medal to wear on their uniform. Bravo Zulu to all our cadets and WELCOME BACK! |
Collaborative WritersPosts written by the staff and Cadets of RCSCC Dundas. Archives
June 2022